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meeting, April
2012 –
poster and
the cake that
reflected it
In Israel the Investment in
Enhancing Human Capital
The Program for Leading
Managers at Nilit Migdal
On May 9 a summing-up meeting of the
Leading Managers Program took place.
During the program, participants took
part in meetings with Nilit Directors for
the purpose of a more thorough study of
the business activity; they were tutored
by mentors in the organization and they
also visited other companies and met
with managers. In the framework of the
program, external workshops were also
conducted to strengthen skills such as:
managing interfaces, decision-making and
interpersonal communication.
An additional cycle of the program got
underway inAugust. Participants from the
first cycle will also take part in studying
new topics and in the practical project
that was added to the program.
Summing-up meeting of the Program
for Leading Managers, May 2012
Training Program for New
Technologists at Nilit
In September a course will begin for
new technologists at Nilit. The course
will last three months and will include
professional training sessions, meetings
with VPs and more. Once the course
concludes, participants will begin a round
of tutoring in the various plants.
The Excellence Process
in China
The steering committee on the topic of
excellence convenes every month. The
team leaders organize the meetings of
the work groups in accordance with the
plans. On 23 and 30 March half a day
was devoted at Nilit China to improving
communications skills, which included
Outlook training for all email users.
Another subgroup, which deals with
constant improvement and innovation,
staged a campaign on the topic of
energy-saving. The group dealing with
improving strategic and operational
planning held interviews with the
Operations personnel in the Fibers and
Plastics plants (NIC and NPC) in order
to identify failings and understand what
could be improved.At the same time, in
the first half of 2012 a coordinator was
added in each of the units to improve
planning aspects.
The Excellence Process at
Nilit Plastics Europe
The initiation of the excellence process
at NPE took place in November 2011,
with the aim of building a process suited
to the activity of the Plastics Division in
Europe. Some 30 senior managers, from
all spheres of activity, convened for a
meeting in which potential barriers to
excellence were brought up, alongside
the company’s strengths.
Ilan Melamed
Plastics Division
Managing Director: Each working group
undertook to handle one barrier and
one strength and presented its findings
and the milestones for its activity to the
local steering committee, which includes
some 10 senior managers from the
Division’s local management.
Irma Penone
Manager of HR in
Europe, coordinates the excellence
process and constantly monitors
the milestones that were defined.
The working groups involved include
representatives of diverse spheres of
activity, from Germany and from Italy.
Among the topics handled by the
Sales and Marketing
the customer-targeted sales strategy,
including follow-up of examples.
optimizing the
use of information tools in project
management, including review of
feedback from the various departments
and recommendations for formulating
clear and full communications at all
Production and R&D
production and economizing on costs.
understanding, internal communications
and a culture of responsibility.
The groups’ work is in mid-process.
The working teams and the follow-up
committee, which has already convened
several times, are investing a great deal
of work on the various topics and one
can sense a great deal of motivation for
finding ways to bring Nilit from good to
The Excellence Process at
Nilit America
The excellence process at Nilit America
began with an opening meeting of
President of Nilit America,
with all the members of management.
He presented to them the trek that they
would have to join in order to move
the company from good to excellent:
Nilit is a good company, a successful
and growing company. Nevertheless,
over the course of time, being good
is not good enough. Our mission is to
create constant improvement in the
management’s activity, in the chain of
work processes and in the decision-
making processes and to lead to
comprehensive excellence – team
excellence, departmental excellence and
individual excellence.”
Participants in the meeting divided
up into groups, who defined the areas
where the company was performing
well and the issues that required
John Overbeck
HR Manager for Nilit
America, said that that in the subsequent
process of the transition from good
to excellent in quality, innovation and
costs, projects were defined for the
improvement activities for each one
of the functions – Finance, Production,
Quality Assurance, Maintenance, HR,
Customer Service, Sales and Marketing.
The progress of each project is reviewed
at the monthly management meetings.
The projects involve people from the
entire spectrum of roles. Some are being
assisted by the PACE process (Problem,
Analysis, Consensus, Engagement), and
in one of the projects use was also
made of a “Kaizen event” from the Lean
Respecting Our Resources – Save
A poster from a campaign
to save energy – a reminder to turn off the
lights and air conditioning when leaving the
office, as part of the excellence process at
Nilit China.