Teva CFS Book English

26 W hen the Teva plant in Kfar Saba was built in 1980, environmental awareness was still in its infancy. The awareness to protect the environment, which was called sustainability gained momentum in recent years - and likewise also the Ministry of Environmental Protection’s inspection of businesses. Teva, like many other organizations, understood that it needed to place an emphasis on better environmental performance and toed the line with the global trend. Teva thinks green All of Teva’s actions on the environmental front were meant to minimize the adverse effects - direct and indirect - on the environment. For this, Teva thinks green and works on finding effective solutions to fulfill its obligations to our environment. Among other things, the company recycles and reduces, monitors and adopts green standards, as well as teaches its employees values via courses and seminars, and conducting an ongoing dialog on the topic. The company’s employees conduct environmental tests to identify weak points that need improvement and to address them adequately, as well as routine management inspections and designated customer inspections conducted in the environmental domain. The company conducts investigations and learns lessons from environmental events according to a uniform methodology implemented at its facilities in Israel and worldwide. In Kfar Saba, sustainability is an opportunity The Kfar Saba site decided to turn the environmental licensing process from something intimidating to an opportunity to optimize the production processes, to implement green innovation and lead the way to change, like always. The realization that industry has no right to exist without the environment, trickles through all layers of management at the site and reached all the employees. The path to environmental friendliness posed challenges for the site, subsequent to which an optimization in resource and raw material consumption occurred, for which innovative technologies were developed. The transition to a “green site” became a real opportunity. Here are only a few examples of what the Kfar Saba site does for the environment : We have energy to protect the environment • In 2005-2006 we transitioned from operating the steam boilers using diesel fuel to LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas). This reduced the environmental pollution that the diesel generated. • In 2005-2006, an RTO (Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer) was installed - a system for burning ethanol remnants that are emitted from the production machines according to environmental regulations, which burns the ethanol at 900 degrees and emits clean air to the environment. • In 2016, the site will move to using Leading the green way Teva is one of the top companies in Israel also when it comes to the environment and sustainability. The site in Kfar Saba sees being green as a real opportunity, because the Earth is on our hands. Cooling towers with David Yonesi, Head of Systems and Energy in the Engineering Department Natural gas pipe