Teva CFS Book English

Creativity where it matters participating in New Product Introduction, and managing the entire life cycle of the product, including: replacing raw materials, changing batch sizes, changing production equipment, and so forth. “Nothing happens without us” Avi Antebi managed the department until late 2012 and after him, Erez Alfassi was appointed Manager. Over the years, the department expanded, the number of projects and responsibilities grew, and it currently has 28 employees, including 4 section heads, researchers and technicians. The department’s staff is responsible for the activities at the OSD Plant and at the Sterile Plant, which have united in the meantime. “The union was challenging” says Anat Cohen, a section head in the department, who came from the Sterile Plant: “these are different processes and in different “languages”. Both on the interpersonal and professional planes. Everyone had different work patterns and an integration was required, but up to a point since both types of products are not exactly identical”. The department is extremely proud, or as Anat attests: “We are at the cutting edge, provide solutions to ongoing production, always trying to improve processes. We are very much involved in what is happening at the plant, both on an ongoing basis and regarding new products. “Nothing here happens without us”. In many cases, several years elapsed between the R&D stage and the production stage, due to the need to conduct trials and receive approvals for a drug. The need for a binding thread developed from the field, which felt that a smoother transition from R&D to production would only be possible if a mediating entity would enter the picture. 35