Teva CFS Book English
Leading the Way [16] Laying down the foundation for future success [19] Groundbreaking success lab [22] “Sterile” birth [24] The warehouse gets automatized [26] Leading the green way [28] OEE - Because efficiency is the name of the game Creativity where it matters [30] Israeli creativity - from Kfar Saba to the rest of the world [33] One door closes, another one opens - new technologies at the turn of the millennium [34] T&SA - A department that started as a creative idea and became a reality [36] The next leap - biological products [38] An example and masterpiece of creativity [40] Serialization - a new generation of combating counterfeits Getting it done together [44] Releasing extended release technology together [46] Giving hope to Parkinson’s patients [48] 9 billion tablets a year and the largest generic launch in history [50] A miracle-making plant [54] The dining room - from Teva Kfar Saba’s “food groups” Introduction [6] At the beginning: From Day 1 [8] Word from the Kfar Saba Site General Manager - Evgeny Valdman [9] Word from the Mayor of Kfar Saba - Yehuda Ben Hamo Word from the Chairman of the Employees’ Committee - Eliran Kozlik [10] Timeline: Teva Kfar Saba - Since 1980 [12] The late Eli Hurvitz: His life’s work T a b l e o f C o n t e n t s 2 M a d e i n K f a r S a b a S i n c e 1 9 8 0
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