Teva CFS Book English

76 The Teva Kfar Saba family Vacations - then and now - find the differences... In recent years, we have been enjoying a choice between vacationing in Israel or abroad, family or couples vacations, vacation with flights or without... Every one of our employees is welcome to choose the date that best suits them and their family. Comfort, pampering, and personalization are the name of the game. In the eighties and nineties, when the plant had around 150 employees, everyone went on vacation together at the same time. On Thursday the entire plant closed down and busses waited for the workers and their families, on their way to the chosen hotel in Tiberius, Akko, or Eilat. There’s no doubt that the vacation back in the day was less comfortable and pampering, but is remembered fondly for the bonding and shared experiences it created. Planting roots in the plant’s soil On uT BiShvat the employees’ children were invited to plant trees around the plant Summer camp for the employees’ children Fire on the outside, warm on the inside On Lag BaOmer the employees and their children enjoyed sitting around a campfire on the grounds in the back of the plant and watching a performance of a guest artist children