Winning Retail

Mindset home care sales) The personal and home care sections are typically dominated by international mega-brands, which control prime shelf space and advertising real estate.While this tendency persists in this supermarket, the new concept we developed for the personal and home care categories contributes to promotion of all products, including small, domestic brands. By maximizing brand identification surfaces, we enhance the physical separation between brands and products of the same brand. Each product is, therefore, more easily seen by the shopper – unlike with endless straight rows of similar products.Above the product shelving, brand promotions arch forward, ensuring that customers see their favorite brands and find their products easily. High above the product shelves, large conceptual images promote lifestyle concepts relevant to the section. To add a little drama, we parachuted in a few high-consumption products and delivered a beautiful blonde by helicopter… routine activity at Israeli grocery stores…or, at least one might expect! 59 Journey Creativity